You live in Groningen for a shorter or longer time now. You see parts of the city, but don’t really ‘know’ the city. Maybe due to language barrier, or maybe you haven’t met the right person yet to tell you all about it. You wouldn’t mind to go outdoor and be active a bit. This is your opportunity to get to know the city better. Sightseeing Groningen by running. What is hot and happening, what do Groningen people speak about at the moment but also the history of certain districts or buildings in town. Listen to facts and anecdotes, talk about the news of the day.
Or maybe you already go running from time to time, but sometimes lack the motivation or have the idea that running is a bit boring. Signing up for a weekly run can be the big stick to get up and get outside.
Or maybe you are already a bit more experienced runner and want to set a goal or maybe you have already have a goal but not sure how to achieve it. Wouldn’t it be nice to discuss this with an experienced runner that can decide with you what needs to be done to achieve the goal (while running ofcourse)
Go private or in small groups on a weekly running exploring tour. There are no minimal requirements, just the desire to run/walk for an hour. There is so much more possible and going on in Groningen that you might not know about. Get fit, get to know the city.